Friday, 16 October 2009

Mid Autumn Festival 2009.

The one time in Singapore where you can play with fire and not get arrested for arson. Haha. Went to Punggol Park to play! Kind of like last year too. But before that we were at Chee Sheng's house watching Cloverfield because it was raining.

Smoke was everywhere since everyone at Punggol Park was playing with candles or lanterns or sparklers or something related to fire.

Me and Chee Sheng making a heart shape. Hahaha.

M=Me, C=Chee Sheng.

Apple. Hahaha. In retrospect I should have found a darker location and opened up the aperture more, but never mind.

This image and the one below are the same, just edited differently.

Failed attempt because Chee Sheng tried to light 5 sparklers together and hand them out.

Sec 4 Classmates were there too. =)

Took lots of group photos. As usual.

Perfect Couple. =)

Rest of the pictures on Facebook here.

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