Wednesday 3 October 2007

End Of Year Examinations

The End of Year Examinations started today with Chinese papers 1, 2, and 3. Like: TRIPLE KILL.

Paper 1 was horrible cause I totally did not memorise the format for the letter writing. Letter writing is pointless anyways, like who is going to be sending letters to each other in the future? And who's going to bother about writing the date or title or whatever in some proper format? Unless you're going to be a Chinese Lawyer (or mailman) in the future, I see no point in writing letters. =D

Paper 2 was horrible cause the passages were really really hard to understand and explain. Especially those "use your own Chinese words" questions. Which I left totally blank. And those "do you agree? explain why" questions which I answered but wrote stupid meaningless stuff. I think the teacher marking my paper will laugh. Heehee.

Paper 3 was horrible cause I want it to be horrible. Horrible.

But anyways, we should celebrate cause Chinese exams are over for the rest of the year! YAY!

Left with Social Studies and English and Chemistry and Physics and Additional Maths and Elementary Maths and History and Pure Geography. Awesome!

I found out that I'm selected for the Perth Trip. But only subsidised 20%. Meaning if I want to go, I'll have to pay $1370. Now I don't know if I should go or not. =(

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