Wednesday 29 August 2007

I'm Right-Handed Now.

Gah. I have no idea what's wrong with my left hand after today's training.

Like I think my left hand has millions of problems?

From the Stupid Blister to the Muscle Cramp some time back. This time it's more like the muscle cramp than the blister though, although the blisters are still there and haven't healed yet.

Got back Physics test results today. Like yay 37 marks!

Maths was on some unfamiliar subject. Haha. Not really la. I got 'chosen' to go the board and do some question which we all haven't learned about yet. =\ Cannot talk to Koon Tat anymore la. Haha.

Campcraft training. Pegged until my hand was....shaking? At first like I didn't notice anything, until I tried tying a guy-line and found that my left hand could not tie the knot at all? Siao la. The whole hand was like shaking like I got fits or something, then I tried like mad to get thumb to move by itself and tie the knot but cannot. Haha, was scared at first cause it was like shaking by itself and even though I saw my hand shaking I felt nothing. But then got *cough* first-aider *cough* to help. =)

Now my left hand is like, super lazy to move. Can move, but I'm using my right-hand for most things. And I couldn't even open a packet of chili from Long John Sliver at dinner. Joshua thought I was acting cause my acting skills are too good...

Now I'm slowing discovering the things I can't do without a bendable thumb. Like unlocking my phone keypad. Or (hopefully) writing so that I won't have to do homework. =D

Sighs. I've been sleeping at 11.30+ every night since Sunday. 3 cans of coffee so far cause I finished my resolution to stop drinking coffee a week. Haha. Okay maybe I should stop drinking coffee altogether unless there's some special reason.

3 Integrity is no longer united.

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