Saturday 28 April 2007

Mid Year Examinations.

Haven't blogged in a long time. Busy mugging for exams. And I've learnt lots of new stuff! =D

Been trying to twirl a pen with my fingers the past week. Heh, after much careful research and studies, I have concluded that there are 2 ways to twirl a pen with your fingers. One with your index finger, and the other with your middle finger. Both require the skilled, precise coordination with your thumb and successful revolutions will become increasingly harder to balance as the velocity of the pen increases and hence reduces stability due to the constant motion and centrifugal force of the pen.

Okay, that's just a very chim way for me to explain why I'm wasting my time doing pointless stuff. =P

And I also learned how to balance two Pilot G2 Pens on 1 Pilot G2 Pen. Credit goes to Chee Hock for imparting to me his knowledgeable advice on this skill. Will put pictures when I have the time.

PE lesson on Thursday was floorball. I should never have worn the Converse shoes.Taken in class. When I was bored. But I forgot why I was bored.

I should have worn adidas shoes instead, like the one pictured below which I bought a few months back...
My recklessness and horrible accident in the choosing of shoes resulted in me having a blister the size of a 50-cent coin whilst playing floorball.That's my leg, in class, with my bag in the background.

My back was also super painful, probably from bending over to use the stick too much. The floorball stick is too short lar...tall people like *cough* me suffer. =)

The blister, as it turned out, did not burst at all. Until yesterday when I felt excruciating pain whilst playing soccer with Chee Sheng in class with a water bottle.

HI Idol also announced the top 10 finalists yesterday. No one from sec3 in the top 10. Such utterly devastating news. And I saw Debra in the audition video. Hehs.

Unfortunately, I also got back a lot of depressing results this past week. Very depressing. =/

Gah...I'm so horribly saddened by the mere prospect of upcoming examinations in 2 days time.

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