Monday 31 October 2005


so much to blog about...can't blog half of it...i guess i'll blog some points....last night...yea....i just knelt and cried in my room....dunno how long but....i really felt the presence of God....dunno why i cried.....i didn't know it was that serious until now...
That's all i can say....the youth group is picking up...thanks to Della....but Della has her own family crisis and troubles to cope with too...our Church has like reserves for 2 more months...and the worst part is the members....all talking of doing but not actually doing it...we can talk of Church camps...missionary trips...helping out at kid's Church...bringing classmates to Christ....but.....are we actually doing any of it???
I look back at primary school life has changed....almost completely...i can't tell friends to come to Church when Church itself is just a place to did our Church come to this?maybe its been like this for a long time....maybe its just i'm too ignorant of things like this...but....this is really serious...2 more months for the Church...and you know why?Because of the members who won't tithe any money to the Church...because everyone talks but don't do...because people who used to give are no longer members of this Church...this may not even happen in my Church...look at my class...all talk none the Christian life supposed to be life that...if it is forgive me i've made a mistake but....are you sure it's like that...being hypocritical then writing in your blog saying words..hating others....and then in your profile u put loves loving God supposed to be like that?are we meant to hate others? i won't say others i'll talk about's hard...even for me...but i'm one is perfect....Christians should strive to be perfect...even if their not...
I guess that's one of the reasons i cried....i would talk more but....nvm....if u feel offended by any of this that's your problem not mine..

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