Wednesday 1 March 2006


Runescape's i'm blogging...wait is runescape offline because i'm blogging??Or am i blogging becos runescape's offline??HA got u confused there.

Yar project work today was the worst. I almost burst out in anger...but i'm ok now, i think. Dun think i should go into details what made me sooo angry. Just 1 word:KENNY.

I think lots of ppl are complaining about stress and i dun think life is that stressful. Yar maybe they get tons of pressure from their parents to study or something. Something about streaming...weird...cos i'm supposed to feel uber stressed out right now and i'm not. Physically.

yar my mind's super confused and thinking about the millions of stuff going on right now. Everybody's feeling worried with the influx of tests and exams and yet, i'm not worried..I should be worried, i should care about my streaming, about what class i'm gonna go to, i should care about my studies. But i'm not.

In a nutshell:I don't care about studies.

Now...why don't i care about studies?!?!Cos i dun feel that studies are that important. I mean, the basic fundamental skills of language, maths, science and all that stuff are important. But after that? Will it matter if u have one nice new certificate but u end up in hell? That's why i think my piorities should be set straight. But yar, at the same time, i wanna aim for a cert in xhtml and css..But i dun think schools offer that till university.

Yar that's the reason why i dun really study for tests. Somehow i scraped along all these years and yes. I barely studied for PSLE. (Tze jie's gonna scream but it's true) I went swimming after my maths PSLE exam. Makes you wonder what grade i'll get if i really put myself into studying...But u will never know =)

Lot's of people are suffering from stress right now. Lot's of people are feeling left out and feel that they have no friends. I guess that's an integral part of growing up, like problem based learning. Where you learn through problems. But look on the bright side, I think i have it much worse than anyone. I've got stuff to worry about and here comes kenny telling me that i've got it all wrong or something.

but then again. There are ppl out there who are just waiting to die, look at the amount of natural disasters lately. Pakistan Earthquake, Tsunami, Land slide, katrina. Be thankful we live in singapore and don't have bird flu, sars, aids and whatever diabolical disease...and to think we have to go school when the world is in such chaos.

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