Monday 27 February 2006

27th February 2006

Eeks i realised my teacher reads i have an ammendment to make. I think my teacher has a bubbling and optimistic personality whilst focused and realistic at the same time. Yay now i can get that A.

Yar but i think i should blog in nicer english from now. Yar no more abbreviations. Yes i spelled abbreviations correctly. Why is a word for something short so long? Maybe its to emphasize the meaning of the word as something to describe a short word. Or something like that. Who knows such things? Who made the English language anyway?A quick google search reveals...
Click for a larger view.
There. It was made in America. haha it's not true by the way, I dunno how google got the anwser so...yar...i use google for calculations anyways.

i got a new hillsong cd!!!YAY YAY YAY YAY...Yesh getting cds are a rare thing for me.
Its a nice cd, lots of songs. I wanted delirious too but...yar i'm poor k?

Yar windows vista is coming out in six editions...I bet half of the ppl reading don't know whats vista i provided a link...Vista is gonna focus on media center stuff tho...which is good!!And bad..theory of relativity here =S

If i can remember...the versions are..
Vista Ultimate.
Vista Professional.
Vista Home Edition.
Vista Basic Kit.
Vista Home Edition N
Vista Basic Kit N

N means no music basic edition N is the cheapest...I dunno about ultimate and professional...i'm aiming for ultimate tho =) Yar nowadays the cool thing is and transparency.

I think windows 3d would be a nicer feature tho.In this case, spherexp.
Gets confusing after a while tho.

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