Wednesday 10 November 2010


I have not blogged for a very long time.
So here is hopefully a very lengthy post describing what I've been up to lately. Actually I don't think it will be very lengthy at all. I'm still alive and well, and I think I've just been really lazy to update, or I've had more important things to be preoccupied with, but mostly it's laziness.

Maybe the fact that I've turned 18 means I've outgrown blogging. Hahaha.

School has started once again, and I'm now a photography major. So I'm now learning lots of photography stuff. Trying out medium-format and large-format cameras. It's been really stress-inducing, but I'm not really stressed out yet. Unfortunately I don't think that's a very good thing cause everyone else seems to be so stressed.

Okay, time to stress myself out tomorrow.

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