Okay 4 days have gone by without me updating.
Anyways, Monday started with Pure Geography first thing in the Morning. Had to present to the class a blog we did on the World Bank including it's roles, functions, processes and development. Although 8am in the morning is not exactly the best time to present. Link to our World Bank blog is
here. =P
Then was all the
boring subjects. Okay lah I shall not be so mean as to single-handedly claim that the subjects for the rest of the day were
boring. Maybe just forgettable? Or
unbloggable. Cause I can't really remember what else we learned that day. =X
Anyways, went for lunch after school with Lenson and Ivan. Haha. Ate at Hougang Mall food court and I sat under the super cold seat which is directly under the air conditioning vent. Lousy thermal engineering. Why is there no fins or at least a gauze to diversify the cold air blowing from the vent? Maybe it's for super
hot people
like me.
Haha, had some time to kill after lunch. So the three of us went to hunt for a rubrics cube for me and Lenson and an eye for Ivan. Went to the toy/novelty shop at the top floor of Hougang Mall. Haha, bought the cubes for the both of us and Ivan bought his eye.
Then we went to the toilet. Haha. Did you know there's this children's toilet in Hougang Mall top floor? We dared each other to use the children's toilet, but no one dared la. Haha. Dam stupid cause we were thinking of all the awkward and weird incidents that could occur from such a toilet.
Went back to school after that. Met Mr Koh to discuss about the school humanities website. Turns out we don't have to code a single line or design a single picture at all. We just have to choose photographs and think of the captions. =\
Ended quite early, so we went to the Space and played. Haha, Lenson and me both brought laptops cause we thought we would be coding and designing and whatever, and Lenson and Ivan brought PSPs. So we played random games until around 5.30pm then we went home.
There's 2 new pianos at the Space. Probably donated and second hand but with new strings and all. Can't wait to see how long before one of the strings snap or the keys break or whatever. =/
Tuesday was
unbloggable lessons again. Maybe there was something interesting that happened, but if there is, I can't remember it. =X
Anyways, went for lunch after school, then stayed back for a while for this IEC briefing. Drums course is not
drums drums you know. -.-
Went for Chinese remedial after that, my rubrics cube with I just bought the day before was confiscated by the Chinese teacher cause someone else was playing with it in class.
After Chinese remedial, stayed back to discuss the Sec 1 Leisure Camp. Got kind of irritated, but
ah never mind. if objective=I want you to do this, outcome=accomplished objective? =\
My rubrics cube also literally disintegrated cause some screw broke. Like less than a day old you know? I guess if I were to think positively, I would say that at least now I know how a rubrics cube works. =P
Wednesday, there was PE in the morning. Played Softball. Then
unbloggable lessons. Okay la, we started on industrialization for Geography, had group discussion on the news clip project we're supposed to do for English and other random stuff learned from lessons.
Went to Macdonald's for lunch after that. Then because our Physics extra lessons start at 2.30pm and we still had an hour left, went to the Space to play. =D
Physics lesson was okay, it's not really a lesson though. More like a do your homework let teacher check kind of thing. More relaxed than traditional lessons though. =)
Went for Campcraft training after that, even though our competition is technically over. Helped them unpitch their structures and stuff like that.
Went to cut hair with Hao Xiang, Chee Sheng, Eugene and Wei Kit after that. Although only Hao Xiang and me cut our hair in the end.
Hairdresser was like :"Who want to cut first?"
Then Hao Xiang pointed at me and said :"Him."
But I think my hair was cut quite nice la, at least not like Hao Xiang whom ended up with slope even though he wanted layer.
Went for dinner after our haircuts at Hougang Mall food court with Eugene and Hao Xiang. Then went home.