Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Random Pictures.

Haven't blogged in a million zillion years so I figured I should blog now.

Last day of Typography/Creative Writing:
Fisheye, Diana F+ Mini, Nothing, Holga, Holga.

Yun Theng looks very scary.

Patrick gets stapled.

Patrick and someone's acrylic artwork. I have no idea who though.

Met up with Ryan and Hao Xiang at Macdonald's after Creative Writing class. Then went around Hougang shooting pictures with Ryan's new Sony A850 at like 11pm.

Ryan showing the A850's built-in car zooming out function.

Started raining heavily so we didn't take much pictures, but we saw this friendly cat!

Ryan teaching the cat about shutter speeds and composition.

Okay but the cat was very friendly. Kept moving about our legs so it was hard to take a sharp picture though hahaha.

Okay Ryan's pictures taken with his new camera are awesome too.

And they're not just awesome because they all have me in the picture, although that is a contributing factor. Hahahaha. Okay thick-skinned. :)

It started raining super heavily. So Ryan and me went running in the rain from void deck to void deck until the 136 bus stop. But I missed the last 136 since it was around 12.30am by then, so we ran to the 62 bus stop and I took 62 home instead.

Went to Punggol End with Nathalia and Yun Theng the next day. Was supposed to like go to the lalang field, but it started raining so we stayed at the bus stop. Haha. Played with Nathalia's coloursplash flash which gives crazyy effects.

Multiple Exposure + Different flash colours = Instant Photoshop.

We went from Punggol to Clarke Quay, then the Esplanade, then Singapore Flyer. Because there was Popeye's at the Flyer! Haha.

Long Exposure.

The F1 track in front of the flyer was open to public. So we went there and took jump shots.

Gummy Bears! Caught the last train home.

Went to this Design bookstore at Bras Basah the next day. Then we decided to walk to Dhoby Ghaut and catch Paranormal Activity.


Crystal's Fisheye viewfinder. Haha.

Saw mushrooms/toadstools! =O

From left to right: Happy, Not so Happy, Serious.

And Paranormal Activity wasn't scary at all! Disappointing since the reviews made it out to be like Blair Witch. Boringg.

I have no idea what's going on in the above picture. Taken by Deon hahaha.

Went to the Singapore Art Museum for a class field trip. =D

Wide Angle Lens are awesome.

I have no idea why they are all grabbing the pole.

Had to go out and take pictures around school during Photography class the next day.

Spot Patrick.

Haha. Lots of pictures of Patrick because I was at the same time shooting with a disposable camera.

This camera in fact. It was for this Singapore Design Festival thing where you exchange a roll of film with a stranger. =D

Ryan's Domo! =D

Ryan's domo again! Haha.

Rest of the pictures on Facebook here.

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